Multiplayer Vangers (ENG)

Dmitriy Tolkunov
4 min readJul 29, 2020

Official versions which support multiplayer: Steam \ GOG (GOG version must be updated via GOG Galaxy)

Advice: First check your Controls: by default “S is for game Statistics and “F3 is for Chat.
For most game types it is better to have a wider field of view around you. To achieve that, find “Zoom out” key in Controls and press and hold it for a bit while in game. Sometimes it is also helpful to be able to hide all of the interface from the screen (F1 by default)

How to create a Multiplayer Game

Main Menu > Multiplayer > Join Server > Internet
Now you should enter the server name.
Currently the following servers are up 24/7:
- (main)


Work in progress (but you can play)

Use standard port. SOCKS5 Proxy: No.

After a successful connection you will see a list of games currently running on this server (if other players have started any)

Or you can choose to create “New game on _ server name”:
Click “New game”. On the next screen you’ll see Authorization:
Name, Mechos Color and Password.
You can leave Password blank (Currently it is just a placeholder for an account-creation feature with statistics tracking that might be implemented in the future).

Now come up with a Name for your game and choose one of the Game types:
A race through checkpoints (your compass will lead you in the right direction) that are placed randomly throughout the Chain. Checkpoints are the same for all participating players; the first player to reach the last checkpoint wins :)
Recommended Parameters:
Initial Beebs: 999 999,
Artifacts Usage: NO,
In-Escave Time: 2 min,
Checkpoints Number: 5–7,
Nascency (spawning world): Glorx
Recommended rule set: use only MacHOTines, glueks and rig-devices. But if you play with buddies — go ahead and make your own rules!

Mechosoma: A race to deliver and sell a set amount of goods quicker than other players (usually requiring multiple trips back and forth due to inventory size limitations).
Recommended Parameters:
Initial Beebs: 999 999,
Artefacts Usage: NO,
In-Escave Time: 2 min,
Goods of each type to sell: 11 (Nymbos and Phlegma),
One at a time (goods available per visit): 6,
World: Fostral,
Team Mode OFF.
Recommended rule set: for these settings it is optimal to choose Spread Spot or Ancient Demon as your mechos. Use only MacHOTines, glueks and rig-devices. But if you play with buddies — go ahead and make your own rules!

It’s recommended to start the game from the Chat (on the left) when all players are ready

Van-War: Pretty much a classic pvp deathmatch. Can be played in solo or team modes (in team mode the players are grouped by the chosen mechos color).
Recommended Parameters:
Initial Beebs: 999 999,
Artefacts Usage: NO,
In-Escave: Time 1 min,
Nascency (spawning world): of your choice,
Team Mode: of your choice (teams are divided by color),
Access: One World,
Max Kills: 5–10,
Time 99 min.
Recommended rule set: CrotRig is not allowed. It is also recommended to forbid Vector as it makes ghOrbs ultra dangerous.

Note: in all game types it’s highly recommended to forbid (by players agreement/choice as there is no in-game setting to reinforce this) the use of *ators — special weapons which can be found in secret places. This restriction mainly exists because the use of Incarnators introduces game-breaking glitches and lag to the Multiplayer.

After choosing the Game Type and entering parameters you may wait for other players in chat for a synchronous start, or press Start if you agreed to begin the game from the surface of the world.

Connecting to a multiplayer game

Steps are the same as in the game creation, but after connecting to the server you will see the game created by your buddy (or your FOE). Click on the game name, Authentication (Name and Color) and listen for the rules of the game. Do not hesitate to ask questions!

There are many mods created based on classic game types, which are crucially changing game process. Sometimes it is achieved by some agreements between players, sometimes through programming tools of game-masters.
For example: Cockroach Race is a Passembloss, but you can buy only raffas. Yeah, it’s hardcore fun!

Or KhoxRun — in this mode you should beat the Khox challenge (as in Single player) — you will see the checkpoints placed close to lamps. (This game mode may be activated by entering a special name of the game, so ask more skilled Vangers how to do it).
If you are a beginner, it might be a good idea to hone your skills first by playing basic game types.

How to find a company?

Right now there aren’t too many international players, but it would be great to have more of them gathered together in one place. There is an international channel on our Discord Server — you are welcome to join! A lot of Russian-speaking players can communicate in English well enough to be able to help you and maybe play some games together.

